Lost and found parrots

A main fear for a parrot owner is the possibility of losing his little friend. Unlike other pets, parrots and birds in general can go everywhere, miles away from their owner. Putting up posters only in the neighborhood can not be very helpful. That’s the reason why in 2010 a site, called parrotalert.com, was set up.
Parrotalert.com, is a global reporting and alerting site for lost, stolen and found parrots and has worldwide members and users. Everyone who is searching for his lost parrot friend can easily and instantly use it. In this way, it gives the owner more time to spend out looking for his feathered friend. In order to register a lost or a found parrot, the user opens an account, so as to log in, and then he can put as much information as he want, such as personal contact, bird features (photo, ring number ), lost area, possible fee etc. Parrotalert utilises mapping technology to help the owner report the precise lost or stolen location and alerts a registered community within an area of the lost/stolen location.
At the bottom of each report (lost, stolen or found), the user can see the closest reports to the one his looking at. Whenever a report is registered, no matter the subject (lost, stolen or found), at the bottom of the page appear in a dynamic way all the reports associated based on the following criteria: the date of the petition and the distance from the lost, stolen or found location. For example, in a lost or stolen report appears all the found reports from the date of the lost report and later and within 80 km from the location reported.
In order to be prepared, in case you lose your bird, parrotalert.com people advice owners to make a note and take photos of birds identification leg ring/band, take mug shots of the bird from all angles, also, include any unique markings and any bodily defects and record the bird on a cell/mobile phone making sounds, as bird calls they are familiar with, should get them responding if nearby when played.
Parrotalert is an all free service and at this time operates in the following countries: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, South Africa, Spain, United Kingdom, United States.
You can visit parrotalert.com by clicking here.